Micropython using VSCode

VSCode is a powerful text editor which capabilities can be enhance through various extensions. With the Micropython IDE extension installed it is a viable alternative to Thonny and MuEditor. In this guide I am using the Esp32 and running Linux (Manjaro) as my OS, differences in steps might be expected if your configuration is different.

1. Install Visual Studio Code

2. Install Micropython IDE extension

search for it at the extension page Micropython IDE page

3. Install the neccessary requirements

listed at the extension installation page. python, pip, Ampy, rshell

4. Download and flash firmware for first setup

Select “Micropython: Getting Started” from the command palette the options are there. Port number on windows will be “COMX” and on Linux “dev/ttyUSBX” X is any integer

5. Edit your Script

6. Run Script

Select “Micropython: Run..” from the command palette and run it. Press the reset button on the board after a successful build to ensure the program is loaded.

That’s all and enjoy using VSCode!!

Written on November 6, 2019