How to MarkDown and Git

“Markdown is a markup language without tags. So basically, you use special symbols before the sentence or words you want to type to style it.”

For example

 # Example 1
 ## Example 2
 ### Example 3
 #### Example 4

will give you

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Spacing AFTER the hashtags are very very important

Some more things you can do


Test1 Test2 Test3

Even MORE things you can do

>Lorem Ipsum
1. This
2. Is
3. A
4. List

Lorem Ipsum

  1. This
  2. Is
  3. A
  4. List

And finally, I’m too lazy too add more of the things you can do, so this is the final one

  cout << "Code here" << endl;

 [hyperlink text](

remove the bunny ears, its there just to make everything is rendered properly

 cout << "Code here" << endl;

hyperlink text

Learn more by clicking here: how to MD

Learning how to git (collab)

Go to the directory that you want to save the repo in locally Key in the following to clone the whole repo

git clone <insert_git_url>

That’s it! With that you will have the whole repo locally in your computer :D

Making changes

When you make changes in the repo, follow the following flow. Always fetch before making changes, fetching will get all the other changes that others (might) have done.

git pull

After fetching, you can now do your work! When you have done doing your work always remember to Ctrl + S ! BUT, this will only make changes locally, to save it to your repo, do

git commit -a -m "<Description here"

This will save your changes into your repo, much like saving your files locally. However, try to commit in logical chucks of changes as this will help in your version controlling in the future

Basically, just do it. You’ll thank yourself in the future

Then finally, share your changes to the world! One commit at a time

git push

Learn more by clicking here: how to git

Written on October 16, 2019