About Us

“Hello and welcome to our blog! Here are some basic information about us, the people behind this tracked vehicle project”

Ahmad Rifaaie Bin Mohamed Ali

Rifaaie, or in short, Rif, is our mechanical guy of the group who handles anything related to the mechanics of our tracked vehicle. Has good mechanical and some electrical knowledge.

Link to Rifaaie’s Github:


Hans Delano

Hans, he is our coding guy, who has skills in electrical and computer programming. He helps out in programming the tracked vehicle to carry out its purpose.

Link to Hans’ Github:


Jabez Tho Ngee Qi

Jabez, our coding guy again, who forms a good duo with Hans to code our track vehicle up to date, has good electrical and coding knowledge.

Link to Jabez’s Github:


Lee Wei Juin

And finally, Wei Juin, he has good electrical and coding knowledge. He helps to ensure the electrical requirements needed for the track vehicle are met.

Link to Wei Juin’s Github:


Written on November 12, 2019