
“The following are the list of f3d files used in the making of our final assembly of our tracked vehicle in Fusion 360”

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Motor Power Management

Power management is no easy task, especially if your build require the use of a DC motor. There is the problem of the powering the DC motor, the immense start up power draw and the back emf that accompanies the powering down of a DC motor.

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Using Ajax to send HTTP request

In reference to our last post on implementing video stream using iframe, we did felt that it was kind of hackish in nature. In addition to that, the refreshes seems to damper our user experience.

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Picoweb Webserver ESP32 Micropython

I always wanted to learn flask or django so I decided to recode the Simple Webserver with Picoweb, a library that’s extremely similar to the 2 library I mentioned but for micropython.

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Basic 10

This is an introduction to basic Fan In/Out, Signal Level Conversion and Output in a Microcontroller set-up.

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Mechanical Bible

“God once said ‘Let there be physics’, hence we humans came up with all sorts of calculations there is known, and here, be the great formulas and walkthroughs”

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About Us

“Hello and welcome to our blog! Here are some basic information about us, the people behind this tracked vehicle project”

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Micropython using VSCode

VSCode is a powerful text editor which capabilities can be enhance through various extensions. With the Micropython IDE extension installed it is a viable alternative to Thonny and MuEditor. In this guide I am using the Esp32 and running Linux (Manjaro) as my OS, differences in steps might be expected if your configuration is different.

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“The following is a list of websites that are provided by the lecturers for references during our tracked vehicle project”

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Using Jekyll pages

“Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator for personal, project, or organization sites. Written in Ruby by Tom Preston-Werner, GitHub’s co-founder” But what you need to know that is just that it can help you set up a bloglike site really really fast.

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How to MarkDown and Git

“Markdown is a markup language without tags. So basically, you use special symbols before the sentence or words you want to type to style it.”

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